Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Spring Cleaning in Pittsburgh ! E.Liberty,Homewood, The Hill

There is nothing like rolling up ones sleeves and working together to tackle a common goal...Expect to make some good friends in the process...Join Us in the Pittsburgh Clean Up...
Please call Ebony Earth to receive your cleaning supplies: trash bags, gloves and safety vests...
We need everyone to get involved to make this successful !!! Our communities deserve environmental justice. Periodically check out for more information and to sign-up for clean up days in any area of Pittsburgh. And email to tell us about your ways to eliminate litter and illegal dumping in Allegheny County.

  • Meet April 26,2008 Lincoln/Lemington Healthcare on the corner of Lincoln & Churchland Street in parking lot at 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
  • Supplies and Food Provided
  • Call for further information 412.728.2252
  • Elderly let us help you collect your trash ~ call now !

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