Wednesday, July 2, 2008


E-mail Ebony Earth at NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
Please add my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS to your events list !
Thank You....

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Recipe For A Healthy Community !

  • Ebony,offers Cooking Demonstration and Food Tasting Workshops on Juicing, raw foods preparation, vegan, vegetarian, Lactose Free, southern soul food and transitional low-fat meals.
  • Begin your Summer by enriching your body, mind and spirit with foods that provides the most nutrition for your body.
  • We will explore the healing properties of foods through proper food combining.
  • Creating meals that are simple to do everyday and anywhere.
  • Using a wide variety of exotic superfoods and seasonable fruits and vegetables.
  • Join us for great grab-and-go meals, childhood favorites, tasty healthy foods and satisfying choices to choose from.
  • Reservations Required!
  • To secure your participation a deposit is required (call for Tuition Fee)
  • Tuition covers the teachings printed recipe to take home and fabulous goodie bags.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

June Harvest

June 14,2008.............Start Date...........Creating Community Gardens on Lincoln Avenue.....all supplies provided...........All is welcome !! Restoring peace, hope,love in Our Community....For Further information or How to be involved in the Earth call: 412.728.2252...
Please join us, Every Saturday & Sunday in The Month of June........For June Harvest at The Green Lot on Lincoln Avenue, between Lemmington & Churchland Street
  • Environmental activities for the children
  • Green Jobs for everyone
  • Great workout with lasting results
  • Yard Sale.....donate your items
  • meet,greet & eat with community
  • Learn How to Grow Your Own Food
  • Support Local Farmers in Pittsburgh

Monday, April 28, 2008

Health and The Environment !

Health conditions and disabilities such as obesity, asthma, birth defects, cancer, diabetes and infertility affect more than 100 million men, women and children in the United States. Environmental contaminants in household products, THE FOOD WE EAT, vehicle and factory emissions, hazardous waste sites and other sources can increase our health risks. Please join us, together we can change our Environment and Community ! How to make your home and community healthier ? Get Involved and stop talking about it....TAKE ACTION!!! It's starts in your OWN backyard ! For further tools and information on how you can protect your family call or email Ebony Earth at ! Give Thanks & Praise for the Creator's Blessings...ebonyearth.......................................................................................................................................

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Spring Cleaning in Pittsburgh ! E.Liberty,Homewood, The Hill

There is nothing like rolling up ones sleeves and working together to tackle a common goal...Expect to make some good friends in the process...Join Us in the Pittsburgh Clean Up...
Please call Ebony Earth to receive your cleaning supplies: trash bags, gloves and safety vests...
We need everyone to get involved to make this successful !!! Our communities deserve environmental justice. Periodically check out for more information and to sign-up for clean up days in any area of Pittsburgh. And email to tell us about your ways to eliminate litter and illegal dumping in Allegheny County.

  • Meet April 26,2008 Lincoln/Lemington Healthcare on the corner of Lincoln & Churchland Street in parking lot at 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
  • Supplies and Food Provided
  • Call for further information 412.728.2252
  • Elderly let us help you collect your trash ~ call now !

"Share Your Favorite Quotes"

Life's most urgent question is "What are you doing for others"?
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.-

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi-

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I might remember. Involve me and I'll understand."
-Chinese Proverb-

Ebony Eyes..."Know Thyself "
-My Mother-

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis TN. April 2008

Located at the Lorraine Motel, the site of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination, Rev. Jessie Jackson speaking in the background...A must attend event next year for the entire family !
Heaven & Ebony Earth

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jump Into Spring With A Renewwd Body, Mind, and Spirit

The Natural Way....New Body Products..established 1976
Best Colon Cleanser In America !! 30 Years & running......Orders Now: 412.728.2252...Your LOCAL Distributor: Ebony Earth
CKLS (colon, kidney, liver, spleen)
The New Body Herbal Formula CKLS was created to stop and eliminate all problems of the colon, kidneys, liver spleen and other organs where toxins can build up. It will not gripe the stomach. CKLS has been used to eliminate stress, sluggishness, headaches, mucous build- up, tiredness, worms, colon pockets, harmful bacteria and constipation. It has also been used to rebuild the mocous lining and to heal the intestines.

Spring Cleansing: Lose Weight: Go Green !!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fund Raising Scratch & Help 90% PROFIT

  • Earn $ 100 Per Booklet!
  • Earn up to 90% Profit!
  • No money Up Front Needed!
  • Fun and Easy!
  • Great National Sponsors!
  • Call Now For a FREE Sample!
  • 412.728.2252

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

  • Green Poetry Day, is a Fundraising Event for Healcrest Urban Community Farm. Established in 2004, each year we run a youth intern program which continues to provide inner city youth and community members to learn hands -on how: to grow fresh produce, recycle, build green and green jobs in Pittsburgh and overall provide us with a healthy environment. Celebrating National Poetry Month with local talent in a green way that connects the creative arts with social responsibility and community togetherness. An incredible opportunity for established and emerging artists to exhibit and sell their green poetry to a green audience. Readings will be dedicated to topics of food & healing, wealth & health wellness. This fundraising event, will not only provide an opportunity for people to learn more about Healcrest Urban Community Farm and how to donate,volunteer and sign your youth up for summer work at Farm.
Join us & Share your poems.....................................................................
When: Saturday, April 26th 11 am-4 pm...............Open Mic @ 1:00 pm..
Where: Hosanna House, 807 Wallace Avenue, Wilkinsburg
Admission: $10.00 (included vegetarian buffet)
If you would like to exhibit at this event,please contact Ebony Earth @ 412.728.2252 or email:
  • Green Give-aways & Raffles
  • children's workshop, fun crafts, balloons, face painting
  • healthy tastings, family recipes the children will love..sweet & wholesome made simple..
  • Music and live performance's

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ebony Earth Entertainment

Welcome to Ebony Earth Entertainment's blog. Did you know that EEE has been bringing holistic events to the Pittsburgh area since 2004?